Friday, August 14, 2009

Window Explorer

Stop folders opening in their own windows (XP)

If selecting Open each folder in the same window in Folder Options does not solve the problem, start Regedit,
locate the following key, and set Default to none (Type the word none).
Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell
Name: Default
Type: RG_SZ
Value: none

Enable and disable Windows support for ZIP files (XP)

Click Start, then Run and type:
Enable: regsvr32 zipfldr.dll
Disable: regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll
You may have to reboot.

Change the name or location of system folders

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
Edit folder names.

Create a folder shortcut (XP)

A folder shortcut is not a shortcut to a folder. Like the Control Panel, a folder shortcut is always visible at the
bottom of Windows Explorer's left pane, and it can be used as a regular folder.
Go to c:\Documents and Settings\{username}\NetHood
While holding down the mouse right button, drag a folder and drop it into the NetHood folder. A contextual menu
will appear: Select Create Shortcuts Here.
Drag the shortcut to the Desktop.

Command switches for Windows Explorer

Explorer [/n] [/e] [,/root,] [[,/select],] /n: Opens a new window in single-paned ( My Computer) view for each item selected, even if the new window duplicates a window that is already open.
/e: Uses Windows Explorer View. Similar to File Manager in Windows 3x. The default view is Open View.
/root, : Specifies the root level of the specified view. The default is to use the normal namespace root (the desktop). Whatever is specified is the root for the display.
/select, : Specifies the folder to receive the initial focus. If "/select" is used, the parent folder is opened and the specified object is selected.

New command missing in Windows Explorer

After you install Internet Explorer with the Windows Desktop Update component, the New command may be
missing when you click the File menu in Windows Explorer you right-click the desktop Go to:[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\New], and change the default value to {D969A300-E7FF-11d0-A93B-00A0C90F2719}

Remove entries from the context sensitive menu

Windows Explorer > Tools (View in win98) > Folder Options > File types. In the list, double click on Folder, then Advanced (No Advanced in win98) Select an entry from the Actions list, and press Remove.

Enable and disable Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (XP)

You can register or unregister shimgvw.dll to enable or disable WPFV:
Enable: Start > Run > regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
Disable: Start > Run > regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll
Note: If you unregister shimgvw.dll, Windows Explorer will not display thumbnails anymore. So the registry tweak is a much better way to disable WPFV. If PhotoEd is installed, it will open picture files after WPFV is disabled.

Open unknown files with Notepad

Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell] (create it, if it doesn't exist) Under shell, create a new key called open, and edit the string "(Default)" to read "Open With Notepad". Under open, create a new key called command, and edit the string "(Default)" to read "notepad.exe %1".

Uncheck "Always use this program to open these files"

Default is c:\windows\rundll32.exe
Shell32.dll,OpenAs_Rundll %1
Change it to c:\windows\rundll32.exe Shell32.dll,OpenAs_Rundll %1 %2
Close regedit, and hit F5.

Thumbnails (XP)
Turn off filenames in thumbnail view

Open the folder, or switch to thumbnail view, while holding down the Shift key.

Change thumbnail size

By default, thumbnails are 96x96 pixels in size. You can change this value for the current user or all users. Current user: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
All users: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
Go to either key, select Explorer, then create a DWORD value called ThumbnailSize. Double-click it, select Decimal in
the Base section, and enter a value between 32 and 256. Restart Windows Explorer.

Disable thumbnail caching (thumbs.db)

When you switch to thumbnail view, Windows creates hidden thumbs.db files (thumbnail cache) to speed up access to the thumbnails. This is nice but these files also contain the thumbnails of deleted pictures. You can delete the files, but Windows will recreate them as soon as you go back into the folders. You can, however, tell Windows not to cache thumbnails. Control Panel > Folder Options On the View tab, check Do not cache thumbnails. You will have to delete the thumbs.db files that already exist (Use the Search feature).

Restore .exe association

Computer will not run any program. A message saying that a program needed to run the program pops up


Rename regedit.exe as
Copy & paste the following into Notepad, save it as FixExe.reg, and double-click it to merge it into the registry:
@="\"%1\" %*"
@="\"%1\" %*"
Rename as regedit.exe

Save and restore associations (98)

Install your new program.
If there are file association problems, all you have to do is import back the .reg file you created.

Open rather than run a batch file when clicking it

Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\batfile\shell\open\command]
Change the default value to notepad.exe %1

Change folders' icons
Windows XP

Right click the folder, click Properties
Customize > Change icon

Windows 98

To change the icon for a single folder:
Create a desktop.ini file -- in the folder -- that contains:
IconFile={name and path of the file that contains the icon}
IconIndex=xx (xx = Zero-based icon # in file)
InfoTip={An optional description for the folder that displays in webview}

To change all folder icons:
Explorer > View > Folder Options >File Types > File Folder > Edit > Change Icon

Disable the Windows folder's warning message
Windows XP

Windows Explorer: Tools > Folder Options > View > Display the contents of system folders

Windows 98

Rename the hidden file c:\windows\folder.httcopy c:\program\ files\folder.htt to c:\windows\folder.htt

Change drive letters (XP)

Right-click the drive, click change drive letter and paths..., then click change
Warning: Do not change Windows drive letter (usually C:).

SendTo Any Folder

It has been stated that the sendto any folder option is not available. Well, that's not exactly true. It's available if you right click on the windows explorer tool bar. Choose customize. There you can add or remove buttons from the tool bar. Choose to add "move to" or "copy to". The buttons are then added to the tool bar. When you click those buttons then a browser window opens, choose the folder you want and voila!! It copies or moves the file. Also the Location of the sendto folder in XP is located in:
Go to My Computer.
Double click C:\ Drive.
Double click on the user's name folder.
You should now see the Sendto folder.
If you don't see the Sendto folder the folder is hidden.
Go to Tools then Folder Options, View.
Now select "Show Hidden Files and Folders" then OK. You should now see the SendTo Folder.


Disable or customize taskbar grouping (XP)
Disable taskbar grouping

Right-click the taskbar, and select Properties.
Uncheck Group similar taskbar buttons.

Customize taskbar grouping

The taskbar buttons are grouped when you have three or more windows of the same program open. You can change this value:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
"00000003" is the default value. Change it to what you want.

Restore the show desktop shortcut in the taskbar's quick launch toolbar

Go to C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch In this
folder, create a text file named ShowDesktop.scf with the following content:

Grayed out toolbar

If everything is grayed out when you right click the taskbar and point to toolbars, you need to enable Internet Explorer on Tweak UI's IE4 tab. You may also need to enable the active desktop and allow changes to the active desktop, also on the IE4 tab.

Put the modem status in the system tray
Windows XP

Network Connections > {Right-click your connection}> Properties > General > Show icon in notification area when connected

Windows 98

Dial-Up Networking > {Right click your connection}> Properties > General > Configure > Options > Display modem status

Put Network Icon In System tray (XP)

To put an icon in your Windows XP system tray that shows when programs are using your network connection, choose Start, Control Panel, Network Connections, right-click the network connection you want to monitor, choose Properties, check Show icon in notification area when connected, and click OK.

Add a Folder to the Taskbar

Right click on the Tasksbar, and select Toolbars and click New Toolbar. Browse to the Folder you want and all the items in your chosen folder will be added to your taskbar. You can remove the toolbar from the Taskbar by right-clicking on the tasksbar and choosing the item to remove the check mark.


Make the background of desktop icons transparent (XP)

Control Panel > System > Advanced > {Performance} Settings.
On the Visual Effects tab, check Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop.

Restore My Documents folder if deleted (98)

To restore My Documents to the Desktop, click Start, then Run, and type:rundll32 mydocs.dll, RestoreMyDocsFolder

Remove shortcut icon arrows

Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\LNKFILE], and delete IsShortcut
Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PIFFILE], and delete IsShortcut

Change My Computer's Icon

Windows 98: Control Panel > Display > Appearance
Windows XP: Control Panel > Display > Desktop > Customize Desktop

Hide Icon
Hide all Desktop icons (9x/XP)

NoDesktop (DWORD value):
Set to 1 to hide all icons.
Delete NoDesktop to undo.
Hit F5 to refresh the desktop.
Hide Network Neighborhood, My Network Places (9x)
Run Poledit.exe (You may have to install it: It is on your Windows CD in\tools\reskit\netadmin\poledit).
File > Open Registry > (double click) Local User > Shell > Restrictions
Check Hide Network Neighborhood or/and My Network Places
OK > File > Save

Hide My Documents, My Computer, My Network Places, Internet Explorer (XP)

Right-click on the desktop, then click Properties > Desktop > Customize Desktop

Hide My Computer (9x/XP)

Create a transparent icon or create a bmp file that consists of a single pixel.
In Display properties effects, change the My Computer icon to point at your new icon.
Rename My Computer to one space.

Add and remove item types from the New Menu
Add Item Types

When you right-click on your desktop, there is a New submenu that contains a list of templates. A template is visible
if the related entry in the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] hive associated with a file extension has a sub-key called
For example, on the New submenu there is an entry for Text Document. This entry is visible because of the key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\ShellNew]. Create a blank document of the corresponding application, and put it into the Windows\ShellNew Folder. Go to that file type under [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT], create a subkey named ShellNew and create the string-value File Name in it. Change this string's value to the blank document's filename.

Ex: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wav\ShellNew\FileName], and FileName's value = "sndrec.wav".

Remove Item Types

Read Add Item Types, and delete or rename the subkey named ShellNew. Hit F5 to update the items in the New

Save color scheme

Export [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes\{Name of Scheme}]

Create tool tips for desktop icons.

Search the registry for keys with the name Info Tip. You may replace the descriptions and you may add Info Tip keys
for other Class-IDs.

Create a button to Reboot Windows XP

To create a reboot icon on your desktop: Right click on an open area of the desktop Select New/Shortcut Enter in
"shutdown -r -t 00" - no quotes Press Next For the name, enter Reboot or anything you like.
Click Finish.

Remove Shortcut arrow from Desktop icons

Here's how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP. Start regedit. Navigate
to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile Delete the IsShortcut registry value. You may need to restart Windows XP.

Performance Increase through My Computer

Start > Right Click on My Computer and select properties.
Click on the "Advanced" tab
See the "Performance" section? Click "Settings" Disable all or some of the following:
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders

Change Briefcase icon on NT/W2K/XP

You can change the Briefcase icon and replace it with an icon of a metal attaché case using the following Windows
NT/W2K/XP registry hack:
Key: CLSID\{85BBD0920-42A0-1069-A2E4-08002B30309D}
Name: DefaultIcon
Value: %SystemRoot%\system32\syncui.dll,1 (shiny metal attaché icon)
Value: %SystemRoot%\system32\syncui.dll,0 (default leather Briefcase icon)
Download these registry files already made:
After changing to the icon, you may have to log off then log back on or restart your computer for the change to take effect.

Create a Lock Computer Shortcut Icon

1. Right click on the desktop, select New > Shortcut.
2. Enter rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation as the shortcut.
3. Name it Lock Computer.
4. Right click and choose Properties.
5. Click on "Change Icon"
6. Search through shell32.dll in the System32 directory and find an appropriate lock icon.
NOTE: This effectively dumps you back to the "Welcome" log on screen. Of course this will only work if you have entered a password for your profile.
ADDENDUM: If you want added security, go to the Control Panel and click on "User Accounts". Click "Change the way users log on or off", and deselect the "Use the Welcome Screen" option.This will switch Windows back to the classic log in box.

Start Menu

Values that control various Start menu and Explorer options

NoChangesStartMenu 00000001 Disable deleting items from Start Menu
NoClose 00000001 Remove the ShutDown option from the Start Menu
NoCommonGroups 00000001 Common program groups do not appear on the Start menu
NoDesktop 00000001 Hide all desktop icons
NoDrives 00000000 Low order bit is drive A: while the 26th bit is Drive Z: To hide a drive, turn on its bit
NoDriveTypeAutoRun 95,00,00,00 Disable autostart CD-ROM
NoFavoritesMenu 00000001 Hide Favorites on Start Menu
NoFileMenu 00000001 Remove "File" menu in Explorer
NoFind 00000001 Remove the Find command from the Start Menu
NoLogOff 01,00,00,00 Remove logoff from Start Menu
NoNetConnectDisconnect 00000001 Remove Explorer's "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Network Drive" menu and right click options
NoNetHood 00000001 Remove the Network Neighborhood icon from desktop
NoRecentDocsMenu 00000001 Hide Recent documents on Start Menu
ClearRecentDocsOnExit 01,00,00,00 Empty My Documents when shutting down Windows
NoRun 00000001 Remove the Run command from the Start menu
NoSaveSettings 00,00,00,00 Save window settings on exit
NoSetActiveDesktop 00000001 Disable Active Desktop
NoSetFolders 00000001 Hide Settings > Control Panel, and Settings > Printers on the Start Menu
NoSetTaskbar 00000001 Hide Settings > Taskbar on the Start Menu: Only Drag/Drop can be used to alter Start Menu and Desktop
NoStartBanner 01,00,00,00 Disable "Click here to start"
NoWindowsUpdate 00000001 Removes Windows update from Start Menu > Settings
RestrictRun 00000001 Only programs defined at [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\...\
Policies\Explorer\RestrictRun] will run

Speed up the Start Menu

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Control Panel\ desktop] Create the string value MenuShowDelay. Set it to a number from 0 (fast) to 10 (slow).

Add programs to the Shell

Available when right-clicking the Start button
Create the key MS-DOS Prompt (or whatever); Default = " DOS Command " (or whatever name you want to appear)Create the subkey command ; Default = " /k cd %1 " (or any other program)

Add an expanding Control Panel to Start menu

This will also work with most special folders.
Under [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*], find the system ID of the folder you want to add.
Right-click Start button and chose Open.
Create a new folder with the name of the folder followed by a dot and the folder ID.
Example: Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Control Panel:{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Dial Up Net:{992CFFA0-F557-101A-88EC-00DD010CCC48}

How to Edit the Registry
Windows 98, Windows Xp & Windows 2000

To open Registry Editor, click Start, click Run, type Regedit, and then click OK.
NOTE: You should not edit your registry unless it is absolutely necessary. If there is an error in your registry, your computer may not function properly. Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on your computer.

Back up the Registry First!!!

Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows Me:

NOTE: Do not follow these steps to export a whole registry hive (for example, the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive). If
you must back up a whole registry hive, back up the whole registry instead.
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate and then click the key that contains the value that you want to edit.
On the File menu, click Export.
In the Save in box, select a location where you want to save the .reg file, in the File name box, type a file name,
and then click Save.
To Back up the whole registry:
Click Start, then click Run. The Run dialog box appears.
Type regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor opens.
Click the Registry menu and click Export Registry File.
Verify the following items in the Export Registry File dialog box:
Save in: Desktop
File name: Registry Backup
Save as type: Registration Files
Export range: All
Click Save.
Exit the Registry Editor.
Verify that an icon labeled "Registry Backup.reg" is on the desktop. CAUTION: Do not double-click the "Registry Backup.reg" file on the desktop unless you intend to undo the changes you are making to the registry.
: This method for Windows 95/98/Me will not work for Windows NT/2000. Windows NT/2000 has additional security protection that prevents this backup from being restored.

How to back up the Windows 2000 registry;EN-US;322755

Windows 2000

NOTE: Do not follow these steps to export a whole registry hive (for example, HKEY_CURRENT_USER). If you must back up whole registry hives, back up the whole registry instead. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type regedt32, and then click OK. Locate and then click the key that contains the values that you want to edit. On the Registry menu, click Save Key. In the Save inbox, select a location in which to save the .reg file, type a file name in the File name box, and then click Save.
Windows xp Home edition does not include the Backup utility by default. To install it:
Insert your Windows xp cd.
Open up Windows explorer.
Navigate to X:\VALUEADD\MSFT\NTBACKUP\ (replace X with appropriate cd-rom drive letter) Double-click NTBACKUP.MSI and follow the on-screen instructions.

Windows Xp & Windows 2003 Server

NOTE: Do not follow these steps to export a whole registry hive (for example, the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive). If you must back up whole registry hives, back up the whole registry instead. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK. Locate and then click the key that contains the value that you want to edit. On the File menu, click Export. In the Save in box, select a location where you want to save the Registration Entries (.reg) file, in the File name box, type a file name, and then click Save.

How to backup the registry in XP;en-us;Q322756

Alphabetize your Start Menu

Don't you hate how Windows adds new programs to the end of the start menu? The fix is quick and simple, right click on the menu and select sort by name. Ah isn't that better?

Brand your copy of Windows XP in the Start Menu

Have you used someone's new Hewlett Packard with their OEM version of Windows XP? You've seen that HP has their own icon in the Start Menu, underneath Run, that goes to their Help Site. Now, you can have your icon that does anything you want (website, program, etc) and says anything you want. Basically, you are "branding" Windows XP (Home or Pro), great for if you are a computer builder and sell them, or you just want to make Windows XP your own. It involves Regedit.
1. Start up Notepad and create a new registry file (*.reg) and copy and paste the following into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00











2. Edit where it says YOUR ICON HERE to a path to an icon (ex. c:\\icon.ico), it must be 24x24 pixels and in .ico format.

3. Edit both places where it says YOUR TITLE HERE to what you want it to say in the
Start Menu (ex. Elranzer Homepage).

4. Edit where it says YOUR FUNCTION here to what you want it to do when you click it, it
can be anything... your website, a local HTML document, a program, a Windows function, whatever your imagination can provide (ex.

5. Save this file as brand.reg, double-click it to enter in your information, and refresh Explorer (log off/on)to see it in the Start Menu!! This works in both Home and Professional.

Disabling New Programs Alert

To get rid of this alert is really easy:
Right click the start bar and click properties.
Go to the start menu tab and click customize.
Click on the advanced tab.
De-select "Highlight newly installed programs"
This is only applicable if you have the new XP start menu not if you are using classic.